Monday, November 29, 2010

World Wildlife Fund

For a school project Sam had to do something charitable.  So he and his partners decided to hold a bake sale and raise money for the World Wildlife Fund.

Of course that did mean that I did most of the work in baking cookies and schlepping the kids around from the community centre home. But, Sam did ask the community centre if they could set up a table to sell baked goods and they extended a day when sales were not as good as they hoped on Thursday.

For three eleven year old boys the fundraiser went relatively well.  They raised 47 dollars in two days from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and sold sugar cookies cut out in animal shapes of endangered species, chocolate cake that the boys made themselves, which actually tasted good, and hot chocolate.

I hope they get a good mark because they did work quite hard for their $50.00 (Shawn and I topped off the funds and made an online donation in their names).

I think this was a good exercise for grade six students and wish that the public school board would have events like this throughout the students history.  The lessons learned through charitable giving is invaluable.  For an eleven year old boy to think of others things beside himself is a big deal.

I also thought it was interesting that we were the only parents to show up to see how the boys were doing.  Involvement is your child’s education, no matter what they do is so important.  I am baffled by the lack of interest in most parents, and how they rely on the teachers to ensure the child is learning anything at all.

I am proud of those three boys and all the hard work they did to raise awareness and support for the World Wildlife Fund.

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