Shoot for the moon because even if you miss you land among the stars!
I hate New Years Resolutions. To me it is a way for people to create opportunities to feel guilty about their shortcomings. Every year I make a secret resolution to loose weight or create more or make more money and then by the time February rolls around I feel guilty because I have done nothing to help my resolution along or I have tried and I have failed miserably.
This year I am doing things differently. I have created goals for the year, not a month, not something to accomplish immediately but an entire year to become a better me, one step at at time. Common sense right, so why didn't I think of it before?
I have set goals in the past, but I am fairly certain I did it all wrong. I have set goals without any direction or a clear path to follow. I basically set myself up for failure.
So I am going to go to school on goal setting. Research not only how to accomplish my set goals but how to be productive in the goal setting. Confusing right? Not really.
So what have I found out?
Step 1 - Write every goal down in a place that is accessible. For me this will be in my google documents. I can revisit and revise the goals as necessary on any computer. I am a big fan of lists and bullet points. Each goal I have set has its own list of bullet points within that I would like to accomplish and how to go about doing so. Organized and detailed is the way I like to be in most aspects of my life, why not goal setting. Being as detailed as possible with the goal only makes it easier to to see things in a straight line and makes focus that much easier. I have thought for a while about keeping a journal, thought that it would be a great discipline, but I never did start one mostly because I thought I would have nothing to write about. Writing about my goals and the steps I am taking to achieve them, now that's a novel concept.
Step 2 - Set up a time every day to
focus on the goals at hand. I have chosen first thing in the morning. Yes it means getting up earlier but it has been a wonderful way to start my day, with a cup of tea and my laptop. I find it is like clearing out the cobwebs and starting each day fresh. OK granted I have only done it two days in a row and this morning I had to convince myself that this was still a good idea, but in the end it was a great morning. For each of my goals I write a paragraph on how I will work toward getting one step closer each day, it may be small or it may be a grand gesture. At this point it really doesn't matter, as long as I can write one thing down every day to maintain focus and not give up. That way set backs will not be disabling, just another step in a long line.
Step 3 - Forgive myself for the slip ups, set backs and a lack of motivation. I am not running a race nor am I in competition with anyone else. These goals were created by me and I can set my own rules and regulations. Mistakes and mishaps are just a part of life, they are inevitable really if we want to life a full and complete life.
Each day is a new chance for moving forward. No longer will I wait in the wings for something to get me motivated to get going.